Jiangsu records year-on-year increase of 12.2% in online sales of agricultural products in H1
发布日期: 2023-08-25 12:02:38 来源: ourjiangsu.com


East China’s Jiangsu province recorded 66.1 billion yuan in online sales of agricultural products in the first half of the year, up 12.2% year on year.

Statistics show that Jiangsu has created a total of 35 national level comprehensive demonstration counties for e-commerce, 45 provincial-level e-commerce demonstration counties, 125 demonstration towns, and 410 demonstration villages.

In the first half of this year, Jiangsu recorded 66.1 billion yuan in online sales of agricultural products, an increase of 12.2% year-on-year, accounting for over 40% of the total online retail sales in rural areas.

Against the backdrop of sustained economic recovery, the province reported a steady growth in the e-commerce of agricultural products.

According to third-party monitoring data, in the first half of the year, over 80% of the key monitored agricultural e-commerce entities in the province achieved year-on-year growth in online sales, with aquatic product retail ranking first, followed closely by leisure food, meat, poultry, eggs, and flowers and plants.

Behind the growing popularity of agricultural products is the two-way effect of "Internet plus+rural characteristic industry".

In recent years, Jiangsu has cultivated and developed 199 county-level specialty industries with an annual output value of over 1 billion yuan.

Jiangsu has also established 103 provincial-level township e-commerce industrial parks with e-commerce industrial clusters such as Ganyu seafood, Gaochun crab, Shuyang nursery stock, Donghai crystal, and Xuyi crayfish enjoying nationwide fame.



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